Disclaimers: Xena Warrior Princess, its characters, and all related materials are the property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. The other characters were created by me. No copyrights were harmed during the production of this non-profit fan fic.

Subtext: This story is based on the principle of two women in love. I do not have any graphic or explicit scenes but the theme of their relationship is current throughout the story. If this type of relationship bothers or offends you then I suggest you go elsewhere and come back when you have an open mind.

Violence: There is reference to sexual violence. There is nothing explicit or graphic in any way.  This story does contain scenes of violence and/or aftermath.

This is my first attempt at writing not only fan fiction but a story so any comments you have are greatly appreciated. Please be gentle >=) Email: XenaFan22@aol.com

A very BIG thank you goes out to AJ (annajon@ivillage.com) for taking the time and effort to edit this story for me.  Thanks so very much!




Eternal Spirit Part 1

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5

Chapter 1

The restless warrior eyed the bard who was sleeping safely within her loving embrace. She gently brushed the loose strands of blonde hair, still dampened with sweat from the last nightmare, from the bards' face. Beams of moonlight radiated through the window and danced upon the purple patches around her eyes.  For a brief moment she seemed peaceful.  The bard stirred slightly. Her body tensed and faint whimpers escaped her breath. "Shhh Gabrielle, it's alright," Xena whispered as she rocked her gently.  The motion appeared to soothe her back into a contented sleep.

The bard had remained silent for four days, the only words spoken were those during the nightmares that plagued her. That day was still painfully fresh in Xena’s mind.

They had decided to visit with the Amazons for a few days after they received word of the death of one of the Queen’s sisters, Rajiah. Gabrielle needed to be there for her tribe and for the Amazon burial ceremony. After a long day came to an end, Gabrielle looked forward to the comfort of her lovers embrace as they settled down for the night.

"If only I stayed holding you in my arms…" Xena’s voice trailed off as she looked warmly at her lover. She traced her finger lightly over the dark bruises that still dwelled on Gabrielle’s face.

Xena had awoken before Gabrielle, as she usually did. She saw how content she was sleeping and knew this was rest very much needed. To not disturb her, she very carefully slid her arm free from under her partner's head and quietly put on her armor.  She bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and headed for the stables.  She took advantage of this free time to take Argo for a hard ride.  The mare had been lacking proper exercise for weeks now. 

Xena shut her eyes tightly hoping it would push the thoughts of that day back. She can still hear sounds of a battle, swords clashing at each other, Amazons shouting. She released a deep breath, dropped her gaze to the rise and fall of Gabrielle’s chest, and concentrated on the sounds of her shallow breathing.

Xena had stopped by the lake so the mare could replenish with a cold drink. "That was quite a ride we had girl," Xena grinned at Argo patting her on the top of her head. That was when she heard the sound much too familiar to her, the sound of war.   She quickly mounted Argo and headed back towards the village. Her heart was racing as thoughts of Gabrielle flooded her mind. "Ya Argo, faster girl!" she yelled.

Once she reached the village she flipped off the saddle…"Ayiyiyyiyi" and struck one of the soldiers in the back of the head with a swift kick. She looked down at the hurt soldier, her face wrinkling in disgust. He raised his hands above his head in a pathetic attempt to block the blow Xena was about to deliver. She noticed the snake tattoo branded on his hand. "Draden", she said to herself and with that she knocked the soldier unconscious with a raging kick across the face. All around her, soldiers and Amazons were fighting. "I must find Gabrielle.”  She began calling out her name. She heard a familiar cry and turned to see Ephiny pinned down by a soldier and his sword about to strike her. "Heeyah" She back-flipped knocking the sword from his hand. Then with the quick motion of her legs, she locked them around his neck and with a swift twist; the soldier fell lifeless to the ground. "Eph, are you all right?"

"Xena…he…took...her" her breath very faint. She struggled to speak. "Gabrielle…I tried to stop him…there were so many men...I…I…" losing her breath she fell to the ground tears streaming down her face.

Xena patted her friend on the shoulder. "Hang in there Ephiny. You are going to be all right. I’ll find her." Xena's voice raged above the battle sounds "DRADEN!"

He came up to the top of the rise on horseback. A man with quite a large stature and dark brown hair that fell just above his rugged shoulders smiled heartlessly down at the warrior. Black metallic armor embraced him. His eyes, a piercing cold shade of blue, were slim and narrow. A very visible scar, about 2 inches long and ½ inch thick, traced just below his left eye.  He grinned evilly, calling out to his men, "Retreat!" His men did as commanded, leaving a battleground of injured Amazons, Xena, and their leader. He looked at Xena, a cold smile playing upon his lips. "Do I have something precious of yours, Warrior Princess?" his laughter echoing as he rode off.

Xena felt the rage boil within her. She glanced down at Gabrielle’s face and caressed her cheeks softly. "Yes, very precious indeed," she thought to herself trying to hold back the tears. She pulled the bard closer to her tightening her arms around her. "I love you Gabrielle," she whispered into the sleeping bard’s ear. One silent tear found its way down Xena’s cheek.

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Chapter 2

Xena, followed by a few Amazons, immediately mounted their horses and headed over the rise to where Draden had stood. To Xena’s disbelief Draden and his men were nowhere in sight. "Impossible" she muttered beneath her breath. She slid off Argo and knelt down hesitantly. She studied the hoof prints in the dirt closely and shook her head in disappointment.  "There are too many. There is no telling which belong to Draden." 

A young Amazon walked over to Xena and placed her hand on her shoulder.  "We will find the Queen, Xena, we will." She smiled calmly.

Xena stood up feigning a smile in return. "I know we will.  Let's head back to the village."

Once back at the village Xena walked towards Ephiny who was now up on her feet. "Xena..." She whispered as she ran towards her with concern. "What happened? Did you find Gabrielle? Xena…talk to me….please."

"Eph we need to talk."  

Ephiny nodded in understanding and gestured towards her hut.  "We can speak privately there, come on."  

The two warriors made their way to the Regent's hut and settled comfortably within arms length of one another just outside it.  Xena turned towards Ephiny, locking her gaze upon her friend, began to speak softly.  "Eph I know who took Gabrielle."  She raised her hand in the air and shook her head at Ephiny just as she was about to interrupt with an array of questions.  "Let me finish Eph."  She lowered her hand resting it on the hilt of her sword.  "His name is Draden.   He is a part of my past best forgotten," her voice dropping to a low whisper. Xena paused a moment and collected her breath.  

Ephiny smiled reassuringly never lifting her eyes from the warrior's.  "Go on Xena."

"Draden was one of the most sadistic warlords I knew as a warrior.  We met back in the days when I followed Ares.”

“That was a very long time ago Xena.”

Xena nodded, “Yes it was.  Feels like a lifetime ago.”  She sighed heavily.  “There was a time when I found Draden’s lack of humanity and lust for power appealing.  We eventually became allies and combined our armies. Together we destroyed every village along the eastern border that refused to surrender to us. Several hundred innocent villagers lost their lives to our command." Xena exhaled deeply and shook her head in frustration.

"Innocent villagers Eph. They didn't have a chance. They couldn't defend themselves. They were farmers, not warriors. In those days Draden and I shared the same lucid desire to conquer and control.  My heart was so consumed with power it blinded me to reason." Her voice broke off.  She turned her gaze away from the Regent and closed her eyes tightly. Ephiny placed her hand upon Xena’s comfortingly. Xena, her eyes now focused on the ground beneath her, cleared her throat and continued with her story. "The day came, as it eventually would, that Draden would do something that even I couldn't accept.  That day marked the day that I betrayed him." She closed her eyes reflecting upon the events that led to that day.

"We had traveled together for three summers. In each village we destroyed homes were burnt to the ground. Nothing remained except the spared lives of the women and children of the villages." She paused briefly.

"In violence it is easy to forget who we are." Ephiny brushed loose strands of Xena's raven hair behind her ear.  "I know that doesn't help ease your guilt."

Xena smiled sincerely.  "Sometimes someone says something really small, and it just fits right into this empty place in your heart."  She cleared her throat and continued with her story.  "During the last battle we fought together I was injured. We were at a small village, Liria, just on the outskirts of town. I caught one of Draden’s soldiers attempting to assault one of the young girls. I killed him after beating him nearly to death for disobeying my direct orders. Even then I would not accept that kind of violence."  Xena shifted her weight uncomfortably.  Bending both knees upwards as support, she leaned her arms over them.  "That was enough to catch me off guard and I was hit in the chest with an arrow." She paused taking a deep breath.

 "Are you all right Xena?" 

"Yes I'm fine. I will forever hear the cries and carry the innocent blood of those people on my hands Ephiny.  I will never be free from my past." Her eyes glistened with moisture but she refused to cry the tears she had been holding back for so long.

"You are not the same person you once were Xena. Think of all the lives you have saved. Nothing can erase the past my friend, but we are what we do and we can recreate ourselves each second of our lives." She smiled sweetly. "Please continue Xena."

Xena nodded, her friend’s last words lingering in her mind. "While I was recovering from the arrow wound, Draden decided he would lead his army into the neighboring village alone. A few days had passed and I began to grow restless.  I led my army north in search for Draden.  Draden and his army had indeed destroyed the targeted village. I found myself standing in the middle of the ruins they left behind. The homes and lands of the village were gravely scorched by fire. Villagers were piled all around me, ruthlessly butchered. Old as well as very young women of the village were raped, beaten, and brutally tortured until life escaped them. Every man, woman, and …" her voice quivering with anger, "child were savagely murdered. Their innocent blood covered the abandoned battleground." Xena reached for her chakram and released it into a tree close by. Anger rushed fiercely through her.

Ephiny shook her head sadly. "Now I understand what led you to betray him."  Her voice grew softer. "What did you do after all this Xena?"

After taking a few moments to compose herself, Xena continued. "I wanted nothing more than to kill him. My army and I joined forces with a warlord named Sierra. Draden had murdered Sierra's family during a village raid.   For several summers she had been building an army of her own.  She accepted my offer of joining forces and together we sketched a plan of revenge.  As planned I did locate and meet back up with Draden. Of course I could have easily killed him myself, but what I had planned for him was much better than any death I could bestow. I led him to believe that we were entering a village I had set to conquer. Draden and his men followed me into the trap Sierra and I had planted. Draden watched as his army was viciously slaughtered. Not one soldier remained alive. Sierra did indeed take her revenge. She took everything from Draden: his army, his honor, and me. Sierra and I had beaten and whipped him close to death but spared his life. We knew for him to live with the dishonor and betrayal would be far worse than his death. I left the battleground and never looked back. It was in that moment that I felt free of the power that had controlled my life for so many years."  Xena fell silent for a brief moment.  "As I rode off the last thing I remember hearing was Draden screaming: 'Xena I swear to you with Ares, God of War, as my witness, I will seek my revenge. That light of goodness you have hallucinated yourself to believe you have will die along with anything you cherish or hold dear. You will never be free of me Warrior Princess….NEVER!'

As Xena looked up into the eyes of her friend a single tear treaded down her cheek. Ephiny wiped the tear with her index finger and caressed her cheek delicately. "If there was something I could do Xena, I would."

"After all these years Ephiny…after all these years… He has found a way to defeat me. He has taken what I cherish more than life itself. If he lays one hand…" she felt a surge of rage run through her.  ” We have to find her Ephiny. We have to begin searching….now."

Ephiny gathered herself together and mounted Argo behind Xena. She took one last look at the tattered Amazon Village as they rode off…

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Chapter 3

Xena stared blankly out the window beside the bed at the bright shades of color the full moon captivated. She was trying her best to push the thoughts out of her mind.  The events remained vivid.  She stroked her partner's hair softly, careful not to wake her.  She gazed at the bard's bare skin tracing her finger lightly over the dark wounds that covered her body like a sheer blanket. Xena couldn't fight the tears any longer.  Tears came flooding silently down her cheeks. She remembered what Gabrielle looked like when she and Ephiny had finally found her...

It had been five days of endless riding and searching.  Neither Ephiny nor Xena were ready to give up, but hope was diminishing slowly day by day.

"Xena, let's stop a while by the stream ahead.  Argo can use the break as much as you and I can." 

"Alright".  Once they reached the stream Xena led Argo by the reins to replenish the mare with some cool water.

Just then she heard Ephiny scream..."GABRIELLE!" horror had filled her voice.  Ephiny put her finger to her neck to check for a pulse. "She is still breathing thank the gods" Ephiny whispered. Xena made her way quickly to her side.  Gabrielle's delicate body was vastly thinned and covered with deep bruises.  Her clothes were torn and scattered. Tender wounds exposed themselves across her still body.  Her eyes were blackened and swollen. Dried blood covered her like the dark sky.  

"Gabrielle I know you can hear me.  Everything is going to be alright.  Keep fighting. Don't give up! I love you." Her hand swept delicately along the bard's bruised face, as tears stained her cheeks. 

"Xena, we need to get her back to the Amazon Village."

"Ephiny, get a piece of cloth from the saddlebag and wet it in the stream for me please.  I want to tend to these open wounds before infection can fester.  Then we will move her." She knew she had to act quickly if Gabrielle were to live.   After cleaning the open wounds as best she could she wrapped the half dressed bard with a blanket and carried her to Argo. 

Xena wiped away the tears that continued to streak her flushed cheeks.  She knew Gabrielle couldn't have been by the lake more than a few hours or she would have been...dead.

"Some protector I turned out to be" she mutely berated herself, her eyes never leaving her lover's face.  The bard began to tremble violently in Xena's embrace.  Fear and pain exposed itself cruelly on Gabrielle's face as the beginning of a nightmare plagued itself on the defenseless bard.

"Its alright. You are safe.  I've got you now and no one is going to hurt you."  Xena kept repeating with a gentle tone. Gabrielle's whimpers reformed into a loud shriek and she jolted awake shaking limply in her Xena's warm embrace.  Hot tears trickled down her face making their way to her trembling lips.

"No, don't touch me! Leave me alone!" she started screaming, frantically trying to break from Xena's grip.  Panic flooded her soft green eyes.  Xena struggled to keep her arms around her.  She tightened her hold slightly around her lover.

"Its alright, it's just me, Xe," calming the bard down.  Gabrielle nestled into Xena's neck, tears flowing uncontrollably.  

"Xena?" she whispered trying to take in her surroundings.

"Yes Gabrielle it's me.  I am right here with you," Xena crooned with a gentle comforting voice. "Thank the gods she has finally started to speak," she thought to herself with a sweet sense of relief.  "Artemis, please give me the strength."  She brushed the hair from Gabrielle's face and gently stroked her flushed cheeks with the outside of her hand.  Gabrielle began to relax slightly in her arms.

"That's it Gabrielle, slow deep breathes.  You are safe, it was just a dream," she comforted tenderly.

"Xena?" she whispered faintly.


"I feel so safe in your arms. Please...don't go," she pleaded trying to choke back her tears.

I am right here with you now and always," kissing the bard on her forehead.  Helplessness overcame the warrior. 

Xena could feel her relax within her embrace and her arms tightening around her waist.

"Where are we Xe?"

"We are at the Amazon Village."  Xena replied softly.

Gabrielle hesitated slightly.  "How long have I been here?" 

Xena thought for a moment, "Four days."

"I don't remember...How did you...How did I get here?" she whispered, confusion in her voice.

"You haven't been completely conscious until now. You were so weak when Ephiny and I found you." A tear trailed down Xena's left cheek. "We found you by the stream just outside Amazon Lands." Her voice broke off attending lovingly to the bard who began to tremble. "What is it Gabrielle?" she questioned gently.

"The stream...I remember being there...I thought...I thought I was going to...that I would never get to see you again." She began to whimper.  "I remember everything getting hazy and then everything grew dark...They just left me there...Xena," closing her eyes tightly releasing hot salty tears.  "I never lost hope...I knew somehow you would find me...I just knew it," her voice trailing to a faint whisper.

"I can only imagine how difficult this is for you Gabrielle.  I know that you are hurting and I would do anything to take this pain from you.  I would bear it a thousand times to save you from it."  Stroking her cheeks softly.  "Please talk to me."

"No...please...I can't," Gabrielle interrupted.

" Nothing can harm you, I promise."  Gabrielle began to cry softly. "I would do anything..."

"You are doing something Xena...believe me you are."  She tightened her grip around her warrior's waist. She wanted so much to erase it all from her memory.  She was so afraid.  She knew Xena's rage would be enough to consume her.  She didn't want to think of Xena's dark side embracing her again.  Deep down there was another fear; the fear of her partner not wanting her in the same way anymore. "Gods, I don't want to lose her," she said silently.

"Gabrielle, please tell me what happened," gentleness in her tone.

"I can't. I don't want to think about it right now.  Please Xe, just hold me," her emerald eyes challenged the warrior's.

"I am right here with you Gabrielle.  It's okay, we will talk when you are ready." Xena closed her eyes pushing back the anger she felt rising to the surface. "When I find that bastard I am going to rip him apart," she silently thought to herself. "How could...," her thoughts interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in," Protectively she enclosed her arms a little tighter around Gabrielle.  

Ephiny walked in with a tray of food.  "Gabrielle, you're awake. Thank the gods," making her way to her friends' side relieved.  "How is she, Xena?" Ephiny asked, looking at her friend with concern in her eyes. Before giving Xena a chance to answer, she sat beside Gabrielle speaking softly to her. "Gabrielle it's Ephiny, are you doing alright?"

Gabrielle nodded her head slowly.  It still throbbed tremendously with pain.  Her entire body ached.

"Why don't you try to sit up, ok?" Ephiny looked at Xena for support.

"That's not a bad idea Eph, come on Gabrielle let us help you sit up."  She smiled down at her bard while helping her sit up.  "Lean back against the pillows slowly," fluffing the pillows behind the bard.

"It hurts so much," Gabrielle managed to say between sobs.  She felt surges of pain throughout her back and shoulders.  Her stomach was sensitive to motion and with every movement, a flood of sharp pain followed.  Xena and Ephiny comforted her as she finally sat up and leaned back against the pillows.

"I am so sorry Gabrielle," Ephiny's hand caressed her friend's cheek gently. "You have to try to eat something. You need your strength.  You have been so weak for days," she spoke softly trying to get Gabrielle's attention on something else for the moment.  She picked up the tray and placed it on Gabrielle's lap.  Try to eat some of this warm broth, ok?" her eyes meeting the green eyes of her friend.  Gabrielle nodded slowly.  Ephiny motioned for Xena to get up with her as she slowly stood up.

"I'll be right outside the door Gabrielle.  I am going to talk to Ephiny and I will be right back.  Just try to eat as much as you can," she smiled sweetly.  Gabrielle nodded.  Now that she thought about it, she was surprisingly hungry.  Xena and Ephiny exited the room.

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Chapter 4

"I can't stand to see her hurting like this.  This is all my fault.  He hurt her because of ME.  I will never forgive myself for this, never." Xena's voice a low growl.

Ephiny grabbed Xena by the shoulders lightly shaking her.  "Listen to me Xena this is NOT your fault.  Draden is the only one that can take blame for this.  He did this.  You can't expect to protect Gabrielle from everyone Xena.  It is not possible.  We are each responsible for our own actions, not those of others."  Her hand reached up to Xena's chin. "Understand?"

Xena knew she was right but she couldn't help feeling guilty. "Yes, Ephiny I understand.  Gabrielle didn't deserve this.  It should have been me.  Why couldn't he just hurt me?  I am the one that betrayed him.  Gabrielle is nothing to him," anger rising in her voice.

"Because he knew nothing could hurt you deeper than watching Gabrielle suffer." Ephiny's gaze met the watery ocean orbs of her friend.

"A lifetime of good will never be enough to atone for my past." Xena shook her head. "When I find him I am going to..."

"NO! You are not going to do anything.  How is that going to help Gabrielle? You would only succeed in becoming the very thing you are fighting."

Gabrielle turned towards Xena.  "Xena promise me, if something happens to me, you will not become a monster.  There's only one way to end this cycle of hatred, and it's through love and forgiveness."

"Don't you go changing Gabrielle, I like you just the way you are.  Go get some sleep."

"No.  No, you promise me."

"I promise."

Pushing the memory away, Xena lowered her eyes releasing painful tears.

"He will be brought to justice.  That, my sister, I promise you.  We must do this the right way as hard it that way may be." 

"I am going to meet with Solari and gather a group of my best warriors.  We will find him Xena," her eyes grew softer.  Do the best you can Xena. I will be back soon." Ephiny smiled confidently at her friend and then turned to go.

Xena entered the Queen's hut and was happy to see she had eaten all the broth from the now empty bowl.  "How are you feeling?" she asked affectionately.

"Much better now I think.  The broth satisfied a few aches in my stomach.  I guess I was a little hungry after all."  She smiled slightly.  Xena walked over and sat beside her lover.  She cupped her face in her hand gently and placed a kiss upon her lips, careful not to hurt her.

"Gabrielle, I need to take a look at those open wounds.  I need to keep them from becoming infected.  I have this salve that will help with the pain."  Her eyes grew softer. "I need to make sure you are alright.  I promise to be gentle."  She smiled.

Gabrielle shivered at the thought of Xena seeing her the way she was.  She choked back the tears that continued to fall silently down her cheeks.  "I know you will be gentle Xena.  You would never hurt me.  I just...I don't want you to..." she struggled to get the words out.

"I know and it is alright.  Nothing about you is anything less than beautiful to me.  That will never change.  Nothing could ever make me love and cherish you any less than I do right now.  Please know that."  She stroked the bard's hair.

Wiping away her tears the bard nodded at the warrior. "Okay..." she managed to whisper.

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Chapter 5

Xena helped Gabrielle sit at the edge of the bed.  Her eyes never left her
lover's as she smiled reassuringly.
  "I need to take the tunic off Gabrielle." She waited for the bard to nod and then began to unfasten the laces of her tunic.  Xena crept behind the bard the bowl of salve and warm water right beside her.  Once she was behind the bard she pulled the tunic down off her shoulders. "It's alright," she comforted gently.  "This is going to sting a little but it will help you heal faster and help with scarring."  Trying to hide the hurt in her voice, Xena carefully applied the salve to her wounds. Gabrielle's back was covered with deep whiplashes. "Be strong Xena," she told herself.  She continued tending to the other wounds on the bard's body.  Her skin was so harshly mangled and broken.  Once she finished applying the salve she checked the bard for any broken ribs as gently as possible.  Her body from her waist to her chest was a sheet of black and blue.  Whiplashes trailed across her stomach.  The warrior's heart was breaking. "Be strong, Xena. You have to be strong for her. Get yourself together. You're a warrior for Ares sake," she chastised herself.

"Oooow," Gabrielle cried out, tears flooding her flushed face.

"I'm sorry I know this hurts.  Nothing is broken, that is a good sign."  She helped her sit back against the pillows and tended to the wounds laced on her face and neck.

"Gabrielle, I need to ask you something."   Their eyes met in understanding.  "Did anyone force..." She was struggling to shut the anger from her voice.  The thought of anyone hurting her made her want to...

"Yes," Gabrielle answered meekly, lowering her head.  She was too ashamed to even look at her partner.

Trying to stay as calm as possible the warrior snuggled tenderly beside her lover. "It's alright Gabrielle, it's alright.  I know this is the last thing you want to talk about right now but the extent of your injuries could be..." She couldn't complete her sentence.  She lifted her Gabrielle's chin and looked into her green eyes warmly.  "You have nothing to be ashamed of.  I love you and nothing could ever change that.  You don't deserve to suffer for my past mistakes, Gabrielle. I am so very sorry." 

"It's not your fault Xe, please, it's not your fault." She whispered. 

A rage like none Xena had felt before began to consume the warrior. A deep hatred enveloped her body.  "When I get my hands on that bastard I am going to torture him in a way that would make a lifetime in Tartarus feel like the Elysian Fields." 

Gabrielle's troubled emerald eyes released a string of tears coated with a deepening fear that broke the warrior from her thoughts.  Her face softened and caressed the bard's cheek lovingly wiping away the falling tears.

"Xena please..."

Xena interrupted her, the anger apparent in her husky tone.  "I can't help but feel guilty for this, I'm sorry.  You were hurt because someone wanted to hurt me.   No matter how hard I try I can't keep you safe.  I have many enemies Gabrielle, and I can't accept that you paid the price for my past mistakes.  You don't deserve this.  I will not allow you to be in harm's way any longer."

The bard spoke softly her eyes never leaving the warriors.  "Xena please listen to me.  This was NOT your fault.  I love you with all that I am and I CHOOSE to be with you.  That is my choice and nothing will change that.  You may have made grave errors in your past, yes I agree, but no matter what pain or torment you caused to anyone it doesn't give them the right to inflict pain or torment on others.  They are the ones who choose to follow their darkness.  No one can be responsible for their misdeeds but them.  There is always a choice Xena and just as you have chosen the side of goodness so could they.  I love you Xena.... I need you."

The warrior sighed in defeat. "I know you're right.  I feel so helpless knowing that I could do nothing to protect you."  She pulled Gabrielle into her arms.  "I am right here for you Gabrielle.  Anything you need I am right here."

After a few moments Xena broke the uncomfortable silence and asked, with gentleness in her voice, "Gabrielle can you tell me what happened?"

Gabrielle blinked away the last of her tears.  She leaned back slowly against the warrior snuggling deeper into her warm embrace.  She began to speak in a low emotionless tone reciting what she could remember of the past couple weeks.

"I remember Ephiny rushing into the hut. She said an army of raiders was headed our way and we had to quickly prepare for the attack.  I was trying to find you but when I realized Argo was also missing I assumed you either had gone for a ride or scouted ahead.  Within half a candle mark I found myself in the middle of battle.  I heard Ephiny screaming so I ran towards her.  Two soldiers were holding her down as another was beating her." She closed her eyes trying to block the visions.  

"Stubborn aren't you, Amazon?" he laughed coldly as another fierce kick landed in her stomach.  He uncoiled a short thick whip.  "Now the fun starts Amazon," he stated with a sadistic smile across his lips.

"I approached behind him and knocked him unconscious with my staff.  The other two soldiers dropped Ephiny and came at me with their swords.  I tried to disarm them with my staff but I wasn't successful.  One of them anticipated my next move and knocked the staff from my hands.  Without thinking I picked up the sword from the ground beside the unconscious soldier...Next thing I knew the two soldiers fell lifeless to the ground."  She held back her tears.  "I didn't want to kill them just disarm them."

Xena comforted her soothingly. "You did what you had to do Gabrielle."

The bard took comfort in the warrior's words.

"I tossed the blade aside focusing my attention on Ephiny.  I was helping her to her feet when several soldiers attacked us both.  I felt hands grabbing and dragging me.  I tried to get away and fight them but there were three or four pulling me.  I saw Ephiny struggling with several other soldiers.  I heard her scream out for me but before I could react I was hit in the back of the head with something hard.  That is the last I remember of the Amazon Village."  She lowered her head sobbing quietly.

The warrior rocked her gently. "I'm so sorry for not being there Gabrielle.  I'm so sorry." Guilt washed over the warrior like acid rain.

"Xe you have nothing to be sorry for." Her gaze met the warrior's..

"What is the next thing you remember Gabrielle?" She asked softly.  She felt the bard stiffen in her arms.  Hot tears began to fall from her emerald eyes once again.  Rage and anguish combined to form the glow the bard's eyes possessed.

"When I....awoke I....was alone." She began her tale again. "My arms and legs were restrained with heavy iron shackles.  I was so terrified." Once again the visions invaded her innocence.

The cell was fairly small in size. The darkness that engulfed its walls was slightly dimmed by the light seeping beneath the drafty door. The smell of musk invaded the air with a stale stench. Voices could be heard drawing closer to the prisoner who stood shackled in iron.  With bright torches in hand four soldiers entered the cell followed by their leader.

"It was hours before anyone came to my cell and several more hours before I finally learned who they were and why I was there."  Her voice sank to a soft whisper.

Helplessness overcame Xena. She comforted her bard with soothing words.  She once again found herself victim to a deep rage.  "What did he tell you Gabrielle?"  Her tone compassionate.

"His name was Draden.  All he wanted to talk about was the past.  The days when you had traveled by his side...He told me about the villages your armies destroyed, the people that were murdered, and...." Her voice was trembling. "and...the events that led to the day you betrayed him.  I didn't want to listen to him Xena.  I tried to shut him out. I didn't want to hear." She brought her hands over her ears.

"Now Amazon how many times must I tell you to listen without interruption?" The voice was harsh and aggressive.  Draden roughly pulled Gabrielle's hands away from her ears, twisting them forcefully.  The Amazon cried out in pain.  He released her hands and backhanded her across the face splitting her lip open. "When I" he snaps the whip across her bare stomach, "tell you to listen" the whip slashes with deepening speed across her thighs, "I mean LISTEN!" The whip marks the bare skin on her back three more times.

Gabrielle closed her eyes to the visions. "It was so horrible.  He talked for hours and if I tried not to listen or spoke out he would strike me.  I had no choice but to surrender to his twisted story."  She sighed heavily in defeat.  Tears began to spring from her eyes once again.  He told me about the village he and his army destroyed while you were recovering from a wound from a previous battle."  Hurt and anger began to slowly ease their way into her frame.  She felt a surge rise through her as she spoke to her warrior.  "He...he...was PROUD of slaughtering children. CHILDREN, XENA, little innocent children.  He told me about each and every little one and their loss of innocence and life vividly expressing each heartless detail.  He was smiling taking pride in how his gloating was killing me.  How could...how could anyone hurt INNOCENT CHILDREN!" she began shouting no longer able to control the rush of anger and sorrow that drowned her soul.  She was wailing uncontrollably.

Xena held her tightly rocking her.  He will pay for this. Every minute..." she stated to herself anger still fueling her blood.

Xena could envision all the innocents of the village.  She still remembers the look of fear on their still faces.  The scent of death that masked the stale air that encircled the land.  The poor tattered bodies of the young children violently murdered.  The warrior closed her eyes fighting back tears of guilt and sorrow.  The thought of Gabrielle having to listen to the heartless acts of extreme violence powerless to stop it was breaking her heart.  Her rage continued to grow with fierce strength for Draden. She turned to her lover a deep sorrow nestled in her eyes.  "I'm so sorry Gabrielle."  She comforted.

"I screamed, I begged, I pleaded for him to stop.  I couldn't bear it anymore."  She whispered between sobs as visions violated her mind.

"I told you to SHUT UP!" The command came from the tall warrior dressed in black metallic armor.  He unleashed an angry snap of the whip on the young bard's back, then again, and again, and again until she cried out in defeat.  "I'm sorry Draden, please..."

The warrior held the bard closer comforting her as best she could.

"The more I interrupted the more he would strike me.  I thought I was going to die...I kept thinking of you Xena.  Each time I felt myself slip away I would imagine you and your strength.  That was what kept me going."  She looked tenderly into her lover's eyes.

Xena was overwhelmed with emotions.  Hatred for what Draden put Gabrielle through, anger for not being able to stop it, guilt for not keeping Gabrielle safe, and blessed for the unbreakable bond they both shared.  "I love you Gabrielle," she whispered and kissed her partner's tears one by one as they fell from her tainted eyes of emerald.  She brushed her fingers along the bard's cheek softly.  "Do you want to stop?" Xena asked with concern in her voice. 

"No, I'm okay." Gabrielle answered softly.

The bard took a deep breath, wiped the wetness from her eyes, and let her words carry the truth of what she was envisioning.

"Want to hear about all the lives your precious Warrior Princess took Amazon?  All the innocents that died at HER command.  The terrified cries of the villagers as they watched their homes burned to the ground.  Will you still be able to look at your precious princess in the same way then Amazon?"  A cold smile played upon his lips.


"I won't listen to you I know Xena.  Nothing you say will change how I feel about her...nothing."  Pain spread like a burning fire through her body in spastic surges from the fresh whiplashes on her back and stomach.


"Then we have a very long night ahead of us Amazon, a very long night indeed."  He laughed coldly as he released the whip upon the Amazon's back, force deepening with each lash.  The torture continued for 10 more lashes.  Grabbing a handful of her blonde hair he jerked her head up until his eyes met hers.  "Now Amazon let me tell you about the REAL Warrior princess..."

"I lost track of time.  What seemed like an eternity could have been hours and what seemed like hours could have been days. Draden wasn't satisfied until he told me of your travels, the villages you conquered, and the lives that were lost to you and your army.  He said he wanted me to know the real Warrior Princess." Gabrielle's voice trailed into a faint whisper.  She felt the warrior tremble slightly.  She lifted her head up meeting the teary ocean blue eyes of her lover.  "Xena nothing he could say or do would ever break my faith or love for you.  I know you like my own heart.  You were hurting with no source of love or comfort.  That is what turned you to your shield of hatred and anger.  I love you, all of you, the past, the present, and the unknown. Nothing Draden told me or did to me changes or will change my everlasting love for you Xena."  

The warrior pulled the bard into a closer embrace and cried silently.  "You don't know how much that means to me Gabrielle. I love you."  "He couldn't break her spirit even using my dark past against her. Gods I don't deserve her."  

"Gabrielle is that where you got all these injuries and whip marks?"  She asked gently.

The bard nodded.  "Mostly yes.  I don't know how long it went on.  I remember after he grew tired of trying to break my faith in you he would leave my cell.  He allowed me no food only water.  Every time I would begin to fall asleep the guards would throw cold water on my face.  If that didn't have the desired affect they would strike me."  She paused for a few moments. The warrior stroked her hair lovingly but did not interrupt.  "Draden came back to my cell several times.  Each time was much the same."  As she spoke the visions seeped back into her memory.

"I don't care what Xena did with you in her past Draden.  I know what you are trying to do and I will NOT give in to your games. I love her and nothing will change that...especially you!"  The Amazon shouted with a consuming rage at her torturer.  


Draden laughed coldly.  "Your bravery will get you nowhere Amazon.  You're a fool.  Your princess cares nothing for you.  You are just a tool to her.  A tool to help her atone for her guilt.  Nothing more than useless tool."  


"SHUT UP!  You don't know anything about Xena.  I won't listen to you anymore.  I don't care what you do to me!"  She shouted, tears stinging her face.  


A swarm of fury rushed over him with sleek intensity.  His eyes narrowed cruelly and his face lost all proud expression as he stared impassively into her green eyes.  Before another word was spoken he began to unmercifully whip the prisoner until her head fell forward unconscious."

"After a long while and many days I presume had passed he finally gave up.  He realized nothing he had said or done had changed anything.  He ordered the guards to remove my chains and follow behind him carrying me.  My body ached so badly. It hurt to move.  I had no idea where we were going. I truly believed I was going to die, Xe."  She sobbed quietly.

"Is that when you ended up by the stream Gabrielle?"  She wrapped her arms tighter around her lover.

"Yes," she said quietly.

The warrior was trying to make sense of his motives.  "If he wanted her dead he would have killed her." 

"He was so angry with me Xe.  His men leaned me against a tree by the stream and then left.  Draden wanted to be alone with me."  She continued telling Xena what she was remembering in her vision.

"Well, well, well Amazon you are not so tough now are you?"  His laughter sent chills down the Amazon's back. "Tell me now when your princess looks into those green eyes will you still see your Xena or the monster she truly is?"  There was no response.  He brought his knee to the ground before her and backhanded her across the face abrasively.  Blood trickled from the corners of her mouth and nose.  "What about your princess's hands Amazon?  When you take them in yours are you going to see the same gentle hands or will the innocent blood of all those villagers savagely murdered at her hands stain them richly?"  He smiled maliciously.


The Amazon spoke weakly.  "She will be the same gentle soul I loved and will love even in death.  The only monster with blood staining his soul is YOU!"  She spat in his face.


Draden sharply grabbed the Amazon by her blonde hair and brought her face within inches of his. "You dare defy me girl!  I am impressed that you have been able to withstand all this torture and still your faith and love for that pathetic warrior remains."  His lips broke into a twisted smile.  He licked his lips, his eyes glowing with a sickening desire.  "Well Amazon if I can't break your spirit and destroy your desire for her..." his smile deepening wickedly, "then I will make sure she will never again desire you!"  His laughter sparked fear in the Amazon's eyes.  


She closed her eyes pushing back the tears.  "Always know I love you Xena," she silently whispered into the wind. 


Draden threw the Amazon down onto the ground pinning her down.  "When I am through with you dear Gabrielle, Xena will never desire you.  When you feel her touch it will be mine you will remember.  One way or another, I WILL destroy the Warrior Princess!" He shouted crossly.

Once Gabrielle was done speaking, Xena pulled her upwards into a sitting position slowly.  With her hand beneath her dampened chin she turned the bard's face around to meet hers. Gabrielle's face once again bore no emotion.  Tears flowed from her emerald eyes but not one sound was made.  Xena tenderly kissed the silent tears one by one from her face. "Don't hold back what you are feeling Gabrielle.  It's okay.  Let it all flow.  Don't hold back." Her eyes grew softer.  "I love you more than anything and nothing will ever change that.  You are more beautiful to me than ever.  You hold half of my heart and soul, and nothing could ever break the spirit we share."  Her eyes never left her lover's.  Gabrielle wrapped her arms tightly around Xena's neck and began to weep desperately into her shoulder.  After several long hours elapsed, Morpheous finally crept upon both of them, pulling them into an undisturbed sleep. That night, while neither the warrior nor her bard was aware, the spirit that joins their souls intensified in a strength so fierce that was even unbreakable to the gods themselves.

Eternal Spirit Part 2

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© This story is copyright to XenaFan22